
Heather’s Holistic Healing provides guidance and protocols with herbs, supplements, foods and pharmaceuticals, and how these substances interact in the body for the most optimal functioning.

“Another of the enduring strengths of herbalism is that is has solid foundations in traditional healing, but is at the same time a part of modern science and medicine. Paradoxically, herbalism is both a wonderfully simple and a staggeringly complex therapy. It is as simple as picking cleavers from the hedgerow or chewing on chickweed stems, and as complex as the multitude of biochemical interactions that occur among all of a plant’s chemical constituents and the various aspects of human metabolism and physiology.” ~David Hoffmann, FNIMH, AHG, obtained from Medical Herbalism

The most current research in whole plant medicine is confirming what many herbalists and traditional healers have known for centuries, that herbalism entails us using the entire herb, not a single isolated constituent (such as allopathic/orthodox medicine does), in order to promote healing from a holistic perspective. Nature has provided whole plants to provide us what we need to not only survive, but thrive! Herbal formulas are not in competition with orthodox medicine, as these 2 disciplines share the same scientific basis. It is their differing actions which can complement each other.

“Hospital-acquired resistant infections, by conservative estimates, are now the fourth leading cause of death in the United States”. ~ Stephen Harrod Buhner, Herbal Antivirals